Our customers.

Our customers mitigate serious risk and help build a safer society.


Our global customer base represents all industries in the private and public sector, including governments. We cater for global enterprises as well as small and medium-sized businesses with equal care.

Despite their differences, our customers all have some things in common. They understand and proactively manage the risk CSAM poses to IT security. They are mindful of employees, safeguarding them from the risk of coming across such material. And, by detecting and investigating incidents, they are able to aid police investigations and help safeguard children from crime.


A selection of our customers

  • Boliden logo
  • Regeringskansliet
  • Boliden logo
  • Regeringskansliet

What our customers say

  • Brand protection is incredibly important as CSAM crime damages businesses’ reputation immensely. In particular, banking employees are vulnerable to blackmail and so it’s important for banks to ensure that they do not have staff who engage in this criminal behavior.
  • NetClean offers a way for us to contribute to SDG 16.2. Taking action to stop child sexual abuse material from being accessed or distributed with the help of company assets is a concrete and very tangible way for us to act on the essence of this global goal.
  • This is why leadership from the very top level of an organization is so important. If more take steps, not just business leaders but also governments and other institutions, to implement solutions in their own IT environments, we can further reduce the sphere of operability for criminals.

Customer testimonials

Testimonials from some of our customers

Real cases

CSAM cases uncovered by detection software

When CSAM cases are reported by the media, it is often software that has detected the material on a work device. In these cases, investigations will have been opened by the police and searches will have widened to other devices and a suspect's home.

Reported cases have found thousands of images stored on work and private devices, which have led to prosecutions. In some cases, real-life abuse of children living with the perpetrator has also been uncovered. This has led to prosecution and long-term imprisonment.

Our customers help uncover these cases and as a consequence, help safeguard children.

Contact us

Talk to an expert

Find out more about our products and how they fit into your existing IT protection. Our experts will be happy to guide you. Give us a call at +46 31-719 08 00 or follow the links below.